

iMeddy線上醫療平台 榮獲第14屆「經一中小企大獎」正能量大獎銅獎

iMeddy線上醫療平台 榮獲第14屆「經一中小企大獎」正能量大獎銅獎


iMeddy線上醫療平台  過去致力開發網上醫療科技、利用科技跨越時間及地域限制,讓市民足不出戶都能獲得適切治療 。這場突如其來的疫症正好證明這個嶄新概念的前曕性,令我們在第14屆「經一中小企大獎」中脫穎而出,榮獲正能量大獎銅獎。  


這個獎項是表揚過去一年為社會帶來正面影響,或提供有效助社會大眾面對嚴峻疫情的創新商業概念及產品服務。我們成立2年以來,一直希望以科技解決大眾市民的醫療問題。早在疫症爆發之前,我們已經看到香港現存的醫療問題: 公立醫院排隊時間過長、私院收費不透明、醫療資訊缺乏等等。 





騰創醫療服務有限公司創辦人卓嘉豪及蔡國俊對獲奬感到非常鼓舞,多謝經濟一週 EDigest肯定我們的產品,亦感謝一眾評審以及頒奬代表Mastermind 大承諮詢創辦人及主席何華真先生。 





iMeddy wins the bronze winner of EDigest Positive Energy Award 



Tech Creation Medical Service Limited is an online medical platform which aims to break the barriers of time and space with technology, and to give people better healthcare experience. This idea is proven to be the future development of the medical industry especially when we see how the global pandemic devastatingly affects our lives and completely changes our medical system. Which is what makes us stand out in the EDigest “stand with SME” best SME award, and successfully become the bronze winner of Positive Energy Award.


This award gives credits to companies which have brought positive influence and also create good products and services to help the society during the pandemic. We have seen lots of current medical problems in the city, i.e. long queuing time for public hospital services, different pricing in private hospitals, as well as lack of professional medical information. Founded two years ago, we have a mission to tackle social medical issues with the help of technology. 


We believe that technology makes our life better. Therefore we build iMeddy medical information hub (website and also App), to provide professional medical information to the public. We also have a mapping function “find Doctors” on our App, for users to locate doctors or clinics nearby. Besides, there is a sophisticated online medical inquiry platform which is very soon to be launched. Users can see doctors and also get medicines delivered by just a few clicks on the App. This would be especially convenient for those patients who have mild symptoms, plus those elderly who have to have follow-ups consultation regularly.


Our founders Alex Cheuk and Stephen Choi are very grateful for the award. We would like to thank EDigest for recognizing our products and services, and also to thank those judges and the award presenter, the founder of Mastermind Strategy Advisors Ltd David K Ho. 


About Tech Creation Medical Service


The headquarters of Tech Creation Medical Service is located in Hong Kong. There are also branch offices in Macau, Taiwan and Zhuhai. We have cooperated with lots of medical institutions and facilities in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mainland. We have a strong medical network of thousands of doctors for the online medical inquiry platform, breaking the barriers of time and space. We also provide international medical technology, giving the public a more advanced health option.